15 Tips to Punch Up Your Writing

Whether you’re a writing newbie or an old pro, it can never hurt to have a few more tricks up your sleeve. Whether you’re writing a press release, blog post, or marketing copy, drawing from a rich pool of writing tips is always a plus.

With that in mind, here are 25 quick ideas — some are old classics and some are more creative — to improve your writing:

1. Cut clutter. Can you make your point faster? Do it.

2. Use spell check. It’s an obvious tip, but an important one. Check your writing for spelling and grammar mistakes. You want to communicate to readers that you care enough to be professional.

3. Read aloud. There’s no substitute for reading your words with your ears as well as your eyes. Read aloud to catch mistakes and get a sense of flow.

4. Use active verbs. Active verbs add power to your writing and carry paragraphs forward. It’s not that you can never use passive voice, but use it strategically.

5. Choose your words carefully. Seek opportunities to use precise, descriptive language that helps readers visualize and experience what you’re saying.

6. Eliminate empty modifiers. Many adjectives and adverbs don’t provide information and are mere filler (words like really, very, etc.). Avoid them.

7. Vary sentence structure. Except when it’s to make a point, don’t repeat the same sentence structure in all your sentences. It can come across as juvenile or repetitive. For example: This is Jane. This is Dick. They are friends.

8. Don’t be afraid of simple sentences. Though you should vary sentence structure, don’t be afraid to add a simple sentence structure to the mix. Short and simple is often the best way to communicate your main idea.

9. Make bullet points brief. Bullet points should help readers move through your copy quickly. Keep them brief, so they can do so.

10. Write in second person. When in doubt, address your reader and write in second person.

11. Show what’s in it for readers. You want to show readers what’s in it for them, and addressing them is one of the most natural ways to do that.

12. Read good writing. Whatever kind of writing you’re doing, read good examples of it regularly. This will influence your work.

13. Make headlines interesting. The headline–whether for your blog post, press release, or e-book–will play a big role in showing readers whether they should keep reading.

14. Break up paragraphs. In most media, shorter paragraphs will work to your advantage. This is true on the Web, in marketing materials, and on social media.

15. Make text scannable. Work to organize your information in a way that will be easy for readers to scan.