The first meeting after the dating site

Each of us has been in this situation: walking down the street, and you’re smiling girl. How not to approach and not to make a date, especially since she looks very attractive? After all, a new acquaintance is always interesting. Or, as happens even more often with us, Internet users, we spend several hours sitting at the monitor and sending one-sophisticated offers – such user messages for the sake of acquaintance. And we are waiting with trembling expectation for an answer. It doesn’t matter where it is – chat or online dating site! All of us can’t wait to meet in reality with the person who liked it so much, intrigued by the unusual smile and manner of writing, plus sometimes when you get to know each other via the Internet you even manage to lure the photo out. And if you’re lucky, it will really belong to the person who sent it to you. Since you can even choose telugu matrimony on the site, you have every chance to find a good partner.

Then, stunned by his appearance and such an unusual deep inner world, you still dare to take this step and offer him to meet. Interesting communication and acquaintance on the Internet turns into a desire to do the same thing live. He certainly agrees. Then you, living in the same city, but whose acquaintance began through the Internet correspondence, appoint a convenient place to meet: at the entrance to the park, or maybe near the ticket office of the railway station, or about the third birch on the right side of the wide alley, which leads to the cinema, in general, it is your business. This is also the case with choosing the right time.

So, when all is decided, you with an incredible pulse on the wrist sit at the mirror, dye yourself, comb your hair in the hope that the acquaintance through the Internet will lead to the half you’ve been waiting for your whole life! As a true lady you allow yourself to be late, while inventing an excuse for untimely arrival. Here it is – that cherished place, appointed through the Internet, near him stands some guy. You approach, and acquaintance will begin anew.

In fact, things may not be the same as they are with the Internet. Do not forget that dating via the Internet is always a communication under the mask. It is always easy for you to talk to someone who does not see you, and maybe never will have this opportunity. That is why it is much easier to get to know each other via the Internet than in real life. Let’s remember that such familiar Internet windows are for messages (through which dating begins) that imply dialogue. In real life, we can remain silent by walking next to a person, and it will still be a communication that is so unusual for users to get to know each other through the Internet. Although you should initially specify who you are looking for, if you are fundamentally important tamil matrimony, then write about it in the questionnaire.

So here we are. If everything is not so bad, how to understand, whether your partner wants to continue this acquaintance with the purpose of the further affinity? The first sign of disappointment when dating, when one of you gloomily notices: “And you’re not the same as in the picture on the Internet. This phrase can have two subtexts. On the one hand, he or she is dissatisfied with the new acquaintance. On the other hand, in reality, a person can look much more attractive than in an Internet photo, and if he is a true gentleman, he or she will add: “You’re much nicer!

Be sure to ask the guy what area he lives in. And if he tells you the farthest, darkest district of the city, while emphasizing the incredible problems with transport – all is clear: new acquaintance through the Internet did not succeed, he does not intend to see you off, and, therefore, does not want to spend an extra hour with you. However, if he says that he does not care and he will go home on foot – not everything is lost! Such acquaintance can have the continuation, and the time spent on dialogue through the Internet, has not passed in vain.